Welcome to Inland Empire Resources. The plan for this site is to have a convenient resource site for behavioral health and other resources in the Counties of Riverside and San Bernardino. Unfortunately it is difficult to navigate through all the various websites of organizations out there. I want to develop a simple way of figuring out where you can go for assistance. This site is not affiliated with any organization; it was simply developed to help you navigate where you can possibly seek assistance for your behavioral health needs.
Please let me know if there is anything I need to add, change, or update.
Behavioral Health (Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment)
Please let me know if there is anything I need to add, change, or update.
Behavioral Health (Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment)
- The first thing you should consider is the urgency of your need. The following scenarios are an emergency or crisis situation.
- If you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from prescribed medications or illegal substances or alcohol, having stopped taking or consuming them, then you may be in medical crisis, and so, should seek immediate medical attention. If you can safely get to the closest emergency room, do so. They will evaluate you.
- If you feel that you are in immediate need of services because you have thoughts of hurting yourself or others, and you have a plan, then, if you can safely get to the emergency room, go there. If not, either call 911 or ask someone to take you there.
- The second thing you should consider, if it is not an emergency or crisis, is what services do you need? To determine this, you will look at the symptoms that you are experiencing.
- If you are looking for substance use treatment to get off of prescribed medications (also consult your primary physician), or illegal substances or alcohol, then please call your health plan and ask for "substance use treatment services". They may ask you some other questions and refer you to the appropriate level of care.
- If you are looking for mental health services because you are experiencing anxiety, depression, hearing voices or seeing things that other people don't hear or see, then call your health plan for further screening and referral.
- After consulting with your health plan, you may also want to review the various Prevention and Early Intervention or MHSA programs available through your County Mental Health Plan. Please click the County tabs above for more information, or the links below:
- If you are a foster parent and the services are for your foster child, then contact the Child Family Services (CFS) Social Worker. They will coordinate services for you.
- If you have private insurance, please contact your insurance company to inquire about covered benefits for behavioral health.
- If you have no health insurance, and can't afford insurance, visit coveredca.com or go to your local Department of Public Social Services office.